Wraith Glade: The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

951 updates
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Hey everyone, it's been a while! I finally finished producing the 500 seamless texture pack I've been working on and next will be working on preparing a description and packaging it up and distributing it in the next few days. In the meantime though, today I've posted a large ~1 page log entry that describes more extensively what I've been up to lately. Things are looking up again, especially if all goes well. 😄
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saltedslug 5 days ago

PowerRename is your friend (in the MS PowerToys suite) for this sort of thing, if you're on Windows :)

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wraithglade 5 days ago

Thanks for the tip saltedslug. I already have a program called "Advanced Renamer" installed and know how to use CMD and PowerShell too, but I'll keep the program you recommended in mind for if I have problems! Thanks!

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I posted a minor update today about how the texture pack production is going so far. Basically, I am about half way done with the 500 texture image pack, approximately
It's been a while since my last update (~9 days) but I posted a brief update on what I'm up to today, one focused on the usual for me lately: trying to find a sustainable way forward for my life and creativity. 🍀
Okay, your pixel sculptures are amazing. I love the pseudo-staircase in particular- it's captivating because of that internal glow. It looks like it feels like a slightly soft candle.
wraithglade 1 month ago

Thanks! It's always good to get feedback and support! I've been somewhat stuck on a creative rut these past couple weeks, as well as attending to other things (like the upcoming xmas season). I've been thinking of doing more of those sculptures though. I am interested in so many creative mediums, but my life stresses cause a bit of mental block currently. Hopefully I'll get through that soon. Thanks again!

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CreatedNov 18, 2023
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