Lexi's Blog

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eastathenaeum 2 days ago

I took the political compass test and scored very near you. It had some interesting takes on what is considered economic vs social. We're a little bit different, but spot on for autonomy. Lately, I've come to believe that capitalism could work fine - if the wealth were distributed. And yes, paying employees a fair living wage is a large part of that, as is in Japan. Instead of squeezing us to death like in the US.

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zazilicious 2 days ago

Makes sense! I am also very open to changing my mind on pretty much everything, as keepng an open mind is important to me. I'm a little jaded about capitalism personally, but I think it could certainly be improved without a totally new system

xpaper 2 days ago

On 8vals, I'm like 5-20% away from from everything you got, but still pretty close. Although I opine that govts should be subservient to the people, and corporations to govts, I otherwise try to avoid having a big list of "shoulds" and try to support concrete specific things (less car dependence, election reform, unions & coops, land-val tax). I sometimes think my opinions are too ill-informed to be worth hearing.

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zazilicious 2 days ago

I honestly disagree!! I would love to read your opinions, regardless of how informed they are. I'm hardly an expert in like 99% of the things I state my opinion on, I just try to have read a lot, lol. I think everyone's expressed opinions can have value, even if they don't meet an arbitrary threshold of "informed"

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