zock's photo blog

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my site is on the first page of results on neocities for the photography tag ._.
zerock 2 weeks ago

I couldn't wait any longer.

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saint-images 2 weeks ago

Please forgive my unsolicited feedback, but I couldn't help but notice how you use full-scale images both in the gallery thumbnails as well as in the galleries themselves. This makes the pages take a while to load even with a decent internet connection. Maybe you could look into using scaled-down images?

saint-images 2 weeks ago

For example, downscale the thumbs to 300x300 and the actual photos to 1024x768, and make the photos clickable for full-res links? No pressure of course.

saint-images 2 weeks ago

Appreciate the effort to give a unique name to every photo, btw

zerock 2 weeks ago

Believe it or not, these are scaled down. I could do even smaller scaling for the thumbnails, but I will continue using full size in the galleries because I don't want to require JavaScript or opening new tabs to see the full quality image. I chose 1800px for the max dimensions so that it would still look decent on a 4K monitor. The photos on this site are all under 1MB, and the originals are 15-30MB each.

zerock 2 weeks ago

No worries about criticism btw. Always happy to get suggestions. :)

nohappynonsense 2 weeks ago

you should make a page with every image you have but they're all 5p x 5p in size so it just creates a sea of thumbs that we can surf through

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zerock 3 weeks ago

Thanks to the LA wildfires, it took 3 weeks for my film to make it to the lab, so these have been a long time coming. I have a nice stash of digital photos I've taken in the meantime that I'll put up in a week or so.

410 3 weeks ago

amazing work!

1 like
saint-images 3 weeks ago

Lovin' these! The middle ground between "I take artistic pforessional photos" and "Grug See Thing, Grug Point Camera, Grug Press Button" is just my cup of tea. Though that's just the way I see it, sorry if you identify your work differently.

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zerock 3 weeks ago

I think you hit the nail on the head for what I'm going for. I do put a bit of thought into my composition, but I don't want to overdo it. I try to straddle the line between candid and artistic, and I leave in the imperfections. "Professional" photos look fake to me...

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new domain name who dis o.o
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 17, 2022
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photography liminalspaces airplanes gameboy wildlife