1,366 updates
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There's been a lull in updates, I know... I hope to get out another character page soon. Maybe another diary update. Who knows. I'm an insane motherfucker you can't let me out anywhere
4disease 2 years ago

Also, most definitely going to rehaul the music page. It's very clunky as it stands

Checked out Danknet-- It seems really promising & I'm definitely going to be playing around with it more... Awesome work on it For sure
jettsecret 2 years ago

Thanks ^^ It's a bit of a slog exactly figuring everything out to maintain it, but thankfully I have /some/ time between now and the summer

1 like
Oh this website absolutely tickles my fancy The amount of chaos is admirable and I Feel My Own Brain Lobotomizing Itself. BY coincidence I did see those videos accusing you of being kidnapped or some shit and i have to say I had a chuckle! Good on you & Keep making this stuff
y2kid 2 years ago

ohhhhh u r so sweet thank u very much - w - it has been a journey .... many chuckles 2 be had. ur site is glorious!!!! I hope u will continue work as well. :B

Just wanted to say-- The art and general graphics on your website is so awesome! The way that most of it seems to be handrawn makes it look uniquely special to me. Super awesome ^_^
ninacti0n 2 years ago

Aww, thank you so much!! I'm really glad you enjoyed my site so far, it means a lot! And indeed, almost all graphics in my site were hand-drawn! The only exceptions are the places where I used free n' edited stock images :P I'll give proper credit to them all soon!

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Hey Play My Game If You Havent (smile)
Damn- This game is really awesome! I love the use of graphics and the music too. I'll definitely be playing it all the way through soon
your site has so many cool layout designs!! the "about" one awoke some ancient memories
4disease 2 years ago

Thank you so much My friend!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 11, 2020
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art 2000s writing games ocs