Are you sure you want to remove this site change from the news feed?
im tbh really scared of tryin out different css stuff, so its always so cool seein u experiment and try out new stuff!!!
oh holy shit!!! looks sosososo good!!!!
Are you sure you want to remove this comment from the news feed?
is it just me or are more ppl coming to neocities?
your blog is so PRETTY!!! luv luv luv
uve been upd8in a lot more now!!!! ue really workin hard man! givin u propes :)
I use W3schools to learn as it’s more like a school lecture than anything! Otherwise I just go to random websites and use the inspect tool lmao
oh i use that 4 html! tysm :)
Hehe np! B^)
A tag can only be a single word, and can only contain letters and numbers.
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You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
Are you sure you want to do this?
im tbh really scared of tryin out different css stuff, so its always so cool seein u experiment and try out new stuff!!!