[ Aegi's Cafe ]

425 updates
0 tips
Wtf @ person stealing my art, my pages and site structure. Not nice.
hira-png 3 years ago

noo what the heck !!

Hi I hope you're all doing well!!! <3 I am not dead, just super busy! If you wanna know what I'm up to, I'm @kraaico on IG/Twt. <:
Hello, long time no see! I notice I've been feeling overwhelmed when thinking about working on my site because I made it so big in such a short time, so I'm thinking of putting the digital garden / a sketchbook archive on a different domain. I've been making art like crazy and want to create a proper archive for it because I just.... lose it all eventually because I'm terrible at file organization. Anyway hi. <3
wow, what a pleasure it was browsing your homepage, can't wait to see the garden develop and grow! have a great day ~flamed
aegi 4 years ago

Thank you so much!! Hope you have a great day as well. Love your fitness page, LMoD is great!

aegi 4 years ago

I'm surprisingly not dead??? Just preoccupied but I have started to get back into pixelart the last few days so I updated my sketchbook with a cute frog and a cute kitchen and a cute island with lil' sheep!

letslearntogether 4 years ago

That sounds like an awesome recipe! Even if I have to finesse it into a vegan form, I look forward to it. :-D

aegi 4 years ago

It's actually a vegan recipe so all good!

1 like
Your site is so charming! Do you mind if I reference your code while setting up the updates section on my own site?
1 like
aegi 4 years ago

Thank you!! And no problem, go ahead!

Updates have not been as frequent as they used to but very very busy with home organizing and put up a xmas tree wooo
bikobatanari 4 years ago

Take your time! It is the holidays after all. Good thing Neocities isn’t like Instagram where you get trashed on for not posting often enough, haha


Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 21, 2020
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personal writing art interactive cute