[ Aegi's Cafe ]

425 updates
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Your food art makes me hungry.
omoulo 4 years ago

i am pleased to hear this

aegi 4 years ago

Most of what I did got swallowed in the previous update, but I added a digital garden where I'll put my thoughts, ramblings and creations. <: and I made BUTTONS.

aegi 4 years ago

Also linked mutuals! Let me know if you wanna buddy up or where I can find your button if you're linked without one.

satyrwoud 4 years ago

I've reciprocated the favour :)

medulladeath 4 years ago

thanks for the link! i have a button on my home page, its a little far down lol

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snail-legs 4 years ago

the garden and button are lovely (the observatory too, ahh)!! <3 I have put your button on my about page along with a couple others!

1 like
Your website is amazing! Your art reminds me of Oekaki drawings - did you hang out on those? And always happy to see Digimon getting some love <3
mle-s-paint 4 years ago

Thank you!! And yes I do!! I miss Oekaki :(

Welcome!! Beautiful artwork <3
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marta-dias 4 years ago

aah thank you :)

Thank you for the follow. Lovely website!
1 like
aegi 4 years ago

Thanks, you as well! I'm definitely gonna use some of your music resources.

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letslearntogether 4 years ago

Yay! I hope they are helpful.

1 like
Hiii, thanks so much for recommending #Toksvigs, I had tons of fun reading through the thread. :D I'm also working my way through the interactive fiction you have linked, they're so much fun! You have excellent taste.
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

you're so welcome! glad you're enjoying :D

1 like
I love your art!!! I's so colorful and flowyyyy.
pseudepigraph 4 years ago

thank you so much !!! <3

Omg I can post comments!! So I upgraded to supporter because why the heck not and I made some cool pages in the explore section... with home cooked music! And the first character reveal!

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 21, 2020
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personal writing art interactive cute