The House of Lost Dreamers: Index

4,261 updates
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Redid the entire vampire mythos page! redid the origin section and the FAQ section.... I need to finish updating the bloodline pages for Nightingale, Stryzga, Siren and Revenant and the additional info pages and also write the rest of the bloodlines up but i've used my spoons for the night.
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arcadiandreamer 3 years ago

I refuse to host my little pages for my tumblrs on carrd. I have a personal webhost for a REASON damn it.

Having flashbacks to when I told my 1st grade teacher the other kids were stealing my pencils and her response was to ban any pencils that weren't #2 yellow pencils from class (specifically she said that Lisa Frank pencils were banned). wonder the other kids hated me. I was responsible for Lisa Frank getting banned from the class room in *1998*
arcadiandreamer 3 years ago

(yes, I'm old)

meggieport 3 years ago

i got the gameboy banned @ my school, this is v relatable

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My existence has been consumed by Bloodborne PSX. I'm in love with it. The sheer *nostalgia* makes me so happy.
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Aha so I disappeared for a while because I was kind of in the hospital because I had a kidney infection that went septic. at home again now, everything should be fine bt I have to take antibiotics every 6 hrs
bugcreature 3 years ago

Glad to hear you're okay, that's a really scary thing to have happen. Hoping for a quick recovery!

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meggieport 3 years ago

that's so scary, going septic is serious!! I'm glad you're doing okay now

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arcadiandreamer 3 years ago

@bugcreature: Thank you so much!

arcadiandreamer 3 years ago

@meggieport : thank you! same! it was legit terrifying to hear and I absolutely spent at least a few hours the first night terrified of what might happen. thankfully i got a really good team of doctors >o<

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CreatedAug 20, 2021
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art writing nostalgia ocs gothic