The House of Lost Dreamers: Index

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Added two new pages -- Vampirism Home and "Why Do I Consider Myself a Vampire" the first is kind of like, a shrine to part of my identity and the second is a sort of explanation of why it happened. I'll probably add more stuff to the "main" vampirism "shrine" in the future beyond just the sections I have planned but for now, that's it!
Thanks for the follow ^^
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Think I'm gonna change up the home page a bit...
Updated the blog!
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....fixed the broken link on the index page I didn't realize the last time I updated it that it broke. Now you can actually get into the site again lmao
<3 super cool site design
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arcadiandreamer 3 years ago

Aaaa thank you so much >w<

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 20, 2021
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art writing nostalgia ocs gothic