Astraya's Oracle

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ok done alot of work to get it in the almost right spots and looks sort of like what i want so i go zzzzz and two links go to right pages when buttons clicked yay why the flames tiny i have a idea to fix but that is another day i am wiped so you have two pages and i will add the other buttons and work it out probably just by adding more in the scrolling table spot. So will add more buttons next week
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will have more up next week that will work... so Under CONSTRUCTION
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comment i am work on the page so I have a html index1 what it will be and index2 the working site more work Saturday probably
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Under Construction but I have added the placeholder of what it will look like
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bisha 1 year ago

Your layout looks amazing so far! Cant wait to see everything put together.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedOct 26, 2023
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