Balckwell Online

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balckwell 2 weeks ago

of course i begin the long, laborious task of transferring my essays with the two most formatting-heavy essays i've ever composed

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sorbier 2 weeks ago

how are your essays formatted originally? there may be an easier way than reformatting by hand

balckwell 2 weeks ago

immediately after posting this, i looked into it and found a conversion tool online that should remove ~90% of the fuss. unfortunately it's a web app, which i generally try to avoid; do you know of a desktop program that works well? i tried the "export to html" function on my word processor (scrivener) and it output the most bloated nonsensical HTML imaginable (in my amateur opinion.)

sorbier 2 weeks ago

ah, unfortunately I don't. I thought if they were originally posted on wordpress that they may be in markdown, in which case you can use pandoc; i don't know of anything from word processors -> html. sorry ):

siqu 2 weeks ago

you can export to "multimarkdown" with scrivener, then use pandoc to convert to html, or anything else that'd process the "multimarkdown" variant of markdown. pandoc html may be less bloated, but mileage may vary. panwriter looks like a reasonable enough application to use:

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balckwell 2 weeks ago

interesting! I never even thought of converting them straight from WordPress. I will look into all these option -- thank you both! this might end up being much easier than I expected (although i will still be using the opportunity to revise/edit many of the essays)

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CreatedOct 26, 2019
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