moved Q&A to the about page. new blog post with .mp4. added more photos to gallery. updated life page.
if you still have a question for me, please use the comment section on my profile page here on neocities.
Thank you for the comment, lapi. It’s comforting, sometimes in a sad way, knowing that people relate some of my experiences, even the bad ones. I hope you are also having a pleasant day, and I admire your artworks a lot. I’m excited to read your short stories, if you decided to post them someday.
updated life page and gallery. will add blog entry at the end of the day. one more review.
new blog entries, added a video do new year's post, more photos on gallery and formated better the writing page.
Andar de caiaque parece ser tão legal! E que inveja que você consegue nadar no mar. Eu sei nadar mas tenho medo de ir pro fundo. É muito legal ter algo em comum com seu pai para fazer.
also added one more poem/compilation/book/play to the Q&A.