Big Gulp Supreme

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>"I like... attempting to talk about real horror on /x/." Pfft, good luck.
biggulpsupreme 7 years ago

I could deal with the barrage of tulpa and succubus threads, I just want the old NOPE threads back.

Just realized where I heard the song from usernametaken/.:|Welcome|:.,
Realize: There are nibbas and nibbettes on this site RIGHT NOW that don't keep a carbon copy of their home page saved in another folder.
jackomix 7 years ago

Why do you need that when Neocities has archives and has duplicates hosted on IPFS?

biggulpsupreme 7 years ago

I think I disabled archiving a while back. But it's in case anything happens to the code from the first one/it lets me test out ideas/fine tune them without wrecking the front page of my site.

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biggulpsupreme 7 years ago

Oh and by the way if you see where I added the teleporter thing to my private test page, I'm not stealing it, I'm just playing around with the code to understand how it works.

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jackomix 7 years ago

Yeah it's alright. I basically stole the idea from 2bit lol. It basically just goes to the page you type in, so typing in "abc" would take you to "abc.html". I edited my 404 page to detect if you're in the teleporter folder and if so redirects you to it.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 1, 2017
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90s art 2000s personal anime