Black Mage Gaming

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I'm having an issue on my macbook where the CSS isn't updating even when I press the hotkey. I even downloaded an extension to reset CSS, and it works fine until I refresh the page, where it goes right back to how it was before. Does anyone know a fix to this? My website works fine on my Windows Desktop.
genosadness 1 year ago

I have this issue from time to time. Usually what I do is click "view" to open the CSS in a new tab, then refresh that tab after saving changes to the CSS in the editor. Hopefully it should work for you.

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Goodnight Neocities!
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Shoutout Genosadness, you a real one.
genosadness 1 year ago

We fly high, No lie. You know this. (BALLIN')

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Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedMar 6, 2023
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videogames coding rpg blackmage programming