Cade's Garden: Home

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My neocities page didn't get hit with the discord hotlink purge but my toyhouse did (this is mostly cause I made it before I made this site and forgot to move all my images before they broke) So PSA: If you have any images hotlinked via discord, UPDATE THEM ASAP!
cadeion 1 year ago

I'd recommend either hosting them on your site or finding a image hosting platform (Though avoid imgur for the same reason as Discord). I've heard and are pretty good alternatives for file hosting if you don't want to house your images on your site

pixelglade 1 year ago

My experience with seeing other people who hotlink on their site is that it's very slow to load the images from the external source. It just seems like it's more effort than it's worth compared to hosting on your own site.

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Will update my site/RSS feed in a few to include this but new microblog post! It’s a long one:
I thought I almost deleted my website yesterday while reworking on the original site archive so this is your reminder to back up your website to your computer or hard drive monthly just in case something ever happens to it
cadeion 1 year ago

January art and blog is now available and I have updated other site buttons, old site archive link in sitemap, reset my gallery for the new year, and updated my about me stamps.

cadeion 1 year ago

Forgot to write here but updated some small site graphics! Working on editing the OC’s tab once I finish coding toyhouse profiles tomorrow hopefully. Also December art is up!! Last month of my 2023 art gallery!! ^^

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I made a mini version of my website that can easily be shared around and doesn’t really need to be updated (mostly for sharing around on sites that have tighter rules on what can be shared, mainly for chicken smoothie). It’s not much but feel free to check it out!
New microblog post (Inter-Questioning):
cadeion 1 year ago

This one’s kinda a personal post but I wanted to try getting my feelings out somewhere ;sob

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Idk where to put it but that new discord update is so hard for me to navigate it is damn near inaccessible

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedOct 21, 2022
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personal furry blog art drawing