a homepage update (darker...) and an animatronics shrine page. i might add to it, i might not, i have a lot of opinions on animatronics and not a lot of energy...i was just feeling bad seeing undertale all alone on the shrines list.
two new nested pages and one new full page! some of the assets might not be in yet and i need to figure out how to get around the no broke .cur extension rule so if you're looking now pretend the alt text is enough. ok i love you bye
OH addendum re: graphics page -- if you follow me and have a button that i could find it's probably there, if i missed yours please let me know where it is and i'll nab it. i'll stuff it in my gay-ass bank robber sack
the button...ive had it around but ive been too tired to make a dedicated graphics page to put it on. i hope to get around to that at some point
heemheem whimper...i do not but i will get to making one and i'll let you know when i do!! ;_; thank you for asking u made my day
+journal update +blog update +animal crossing shrine +minor cosmetic edits to index/about YIPPEE!!! can you tell im currently unemployed