Banana Sky

1,671 updates
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Additional projects included archives, mirrors and more for the betterment of the next 4 years.
Ok, gonna get to work on my next project, a Trump era LGBTQ resource site for those in need and targeted.
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The sense of unease builds as you trudge through your arterial surroundings. Echoes and murmurs are hard to place as they bounce around the shifting tunnels. A cold breath breaks your pensive trance as it splashes against the back of your neck, spreading across your skin like a set of icy fingertips. You pivot on your heel with reluctant dread. A familiar face...
vegacollective 3 months ago

You follow as they beckon you into the walls with a reassuring warmth. It is warm in here too, here in the walls, with your limbs gently dissolving into the body of Vega. Universe be with U

Minor Edit: Removed Broken Link, added new sitemap.
Ok here we go update has been pushed, appears a few bits of css need fixing but otherwise went smoothly

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 14, 2016
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experimental music retro art