if my status cafe message is more than 3 lines it'll push the divs under it down and the cbox message input is being covered by the psp and I CANT FUCKING CHANGE IT BECAUSE MY CSS WONT UPDATE AUFHG
is it just me or is there an empty container under the resources page i have no idea how it got there it doesnt exist in the html file but when i inspect it it says theres a div with the id "quick-start-container"😭
IT FEELS LIKE IM GOING INSANE WHY IS IT THERE https://file.garden/Zztv0a9yEhr5pmEq/Screenshot%20(907).png https://file.garden/Zztv0a9yEhr5pmEq/Screenshot%20(906).png
theres nothing there on chrome for me, but whats so weird is like ... why has nobody online ever had that problem like i could not find any info 😭
belated reply, but the quick start container issue you mentioned might be caused by an extention you have on your computer ?
ohh that makes sense im using chrome and i only have an ad blocker and last fm installed could one of those be the cause
i cant remember the exact font but it's one of the 04b fonts! i think 04b 20 or 04b 03 are closest
omg i've been wanting to know this FOREVER too 🙏 I have no idea what the actual font people use is, but I feel like "Kakomi B" from Asterism has a similar look https://www.asterism-m.com/font/bmp-1byte/
i appreciate you taking inspo from me, it makes me happy, but you taking inspo from my name definitely makes me uncomfortable sorry😭 monsieur doll is the nickname of a character who's very important to me. like not saying i own the word "monsieur" but it just makes me uncomfortable if you name your site as a direct reference to mine if that makes sense
ok thank you sm!! i'll take the site down ^^