Maybe a Fatepost in a bit, idk, I'll do something
I was just supposed to wait for him to become Dominimon. Now I've got Wargreymon. Again. The worst thing to ever happen.
something I forgot was that the island originally thought Oldbro would kill Youngbro-- "You, who are so easily hated, so different from what it is thought a boy should be." Was he originally introduced to the island *just* to be killed, when Oldbro wouldn't kill Girl when he was alone with her?
When Youngbro realized he had to be a BETA, Oldbro stopped attacking him and taught him to survive. So was the island's plan thwarted? What really made him kill Girl, after the three of them were able to form their own little society? The island even says "This is the death *I* chose for her".
It's interesting that he was only allowed to leave after killing her. At one point the girl says "sometimes he wants to kill me", so maybe he really couldn't be trusted to return to society until he knew from experience that he didn't enjoy killing. And the island would rather her be killed than some random person in the future, whose life might have actually mattered, unlike hers. Very sad.
That's got to be it, right? Why else introduce Youngbro, believing he'd be killed, when he wasn't killing Girl? The island wanted him to kill someone. And when Youngbro demonstrated he could function in Le Society better than Girl, it refocused on having her killed after all.
moheb *has* to read every single post now. ++eternal constrooction starting, pls forgive ugliness
Protestants act like Catholics don't have relationships with Jesus when Catholics literally lived in deserts alone just so they wouldn't have another soul to speak to except God
As for porn, LA's in flames. I've prayed for the people there per the Knight's request. Nonetheless, God's opinion on this number one exporter of porn's been made clear. I'm sure if it weren't for His mercy, we'd be gone. And, America loses wars not for lack of strength. We lose because God's against us.
(i hate leaving things out so i might havea separate list for Literally Everything I Like) Going to beee making an encyclopedia for aaaaall of my original stories- MFIAS, Spooks, Rodrigo, Awkward Convos, Exciting New Plastics, HackMe, Romero High-- The Grueberverse is very deep and worth diving into!
-_- i FORGOT to mention, the story's called "Alien Stones", because it's a reference tooooo... that ancient pre-abacus counting method of putting small stones on a board. And uh... i don't remember why they were talking about that in the story though ~_~ sry.