Din's Desktop

1,030 updates
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Added ai-petition's ( embed to my home page. The petition is against the possible application of AI in Neocities.
I randomly found this and I'm sure glad that I did. It was news to me that they're trying to integrate AI for a platform that is for creatives and web revival, given that it was evident of the harms not only with copyrighted works but also with the environment. I hope more people will see this and sign it--we can't let this be more likely to be applied.
love your site and art and everything and aaaaaaaaaa
lilithdev 4 months ago

Ive never seen anyone use color in their art like you!!

1 like
dinpixels 4 months ago

Thanks a lot! I'm very flattered! I also love your site it really inspired and gave me the push to make my own page

1 like
dinpixels 4 months ago

Your site was really unique and vibrant (and I'm loving the spooky rn), especially with the achievements I never seen it in others and it's really cool (it made my day when I saw it working, although I haven't completed it yet)

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dinpixels 4 months ago

Huge update ever aside from the blog feed! I migrated all the pixel art I can recall so far, and most of the commissions are not included yet as I still have to scale down their sizes (considering that they are mostly animated).

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedApr 2, 2024
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blog art personal commissions coding