Fresh Egg!

2,203 updates
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srry for lack of updates- been busy with other life things as usual. But! If anyone has my button added to their site, and would like theirs on mine, lmk! I have a handful already but i dont mean to miss anyone! Hope you've all been well!
aa ty for adding my button!! i've added yours to my homepage as well :>
shiraru 1 year ago

omg thank you!

1 like
unrelated: anyone else have to delete old RSS feed data on their XML file? My feed wasn't valid due to having duplicated links to my home page, but only on a specific line @ _ @; I'm still ultra super new to RSS things, so I'm sorry if this is a rly dumb thing to say. I had to delete an old line / rss entry that included a thank you to those who've helped me set it up in the first place so I felt rly bad about that;;
ophanimkei 1 year ago

I think it’s the guid that can’t be duplicated? Usually I just add a hash (ie home#august21st) to continue reusing links :-)

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eggdev 1 year ago

@ophanimkei Ohh, I see! Thank you! I'll try to keep that in mind for future updates ;w;/

New game has been released over on my! Links to it and about the game in question are on my site if you're interested. I hope you enjoy if you decide to play! Thank you!
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New devlog added to the HP :> tl;dr: I'm almost done with another game. I'm entering it in a gamejam! I hope you look forward to it when it's published. Thank you!
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Thank you for the kind message on my guestbook! :>
temporarily enabling my site profile for testing purposes;; sorry for the contradiction in my recent blog post.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 13, 2017
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gamedev rpgmaker