Fragment and Reflect

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Today is The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a day to commemorated the anniversary of the 1989 Ecole Polytechnique massacre, in which an armed student murdered fourteen women and injured fourteen others in the name of "fighting feminism."
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emptygod 3 months ago

thank you!! 😭🫂💙

1 like slug: fringe. Descr: witchcraft, grassroots activism, recovery and underground music
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ghostring 5 months ago

Thank you for joining!!!

What if?..
fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

To gain an deeper understanding of what pushed Palestinians to desperate acts of violence and how brutality far exceeding that of October 7th has been ongoing for decades

fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

Also: there are over 10,000 Palestinian hostages being held in Israeli prisons facing torture, dismemberment, sexual assault and degradation; all being held without trial or representation

fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

Yet the people in this film do not want ot be seen as victims, and although I cried deeply watching this film, I left the theatre feeling empowered and stronger than ever in my support of Palestinian liberation; and the liberation of Indigenous and all opressed people globally

fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

And I wrote about this before, but I feel that those of us with European, especially Germanic heritage have double responsibility to be a part of dismantling what's going on in so-called Israel, because it's European antisemitism and White / Western supremacy that is the root cause of this conflict

fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

I'm part of the Palestinian liberation movement, and I also work to address legimitate acts of antisemitism, including hate site on Neocities, like

fragmentandreflect 6 months ago

I moved my site off of here because of these sites being hosted, though i still post on this wall. Kyle Drake is the sole decision maker for Neocities, so send him an email today and tell him how uncool it is that he allows antisemitic sites on here. Even Geocities, over 30 years ago did not allow such sites to be hosted.

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