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huzzah! the magic number. thankyou owl/artman
I am forever cursed and blessed and I forgive you
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Yes and Welsh for 'blocking' is 'blocio' don't laugh
I guess Welsh people don't like funny things
If the children see jokes they may *gasp* get a sense of humour!!!! *faints*
Hopefully your school blocks 9gag then
lewl the secxs numbre XD
El Oh El
hah! got em
Ahh thankyou! Sorry for the late reply, your button is now added to my site. Thankyou again! :D
I don't know why I said "yet", the photos have only been made public since today
Yes. YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap I love your site!@!!! Why haven't I seen your site earlier???? aaaaaa amazing work!
hh thankyou! :'0
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huzzah! the magic number. thankyou owl/artman