like, inaccessible. ill be archiving all of this current 2.5/3 version but yeah. im gonna make this site the hub for 2 sides to explore
v3 is like, its meant to be more fun and colorful and silly but with each revisit im like...well i dont always connect with this really, and some stuff i want to write about or put on a site doesnt fit the fun vibe
like, i want to seperate my creative endeavors from my personal now with the site. at first i had it all chucked onto one but i want both spaces to be authentic in these different ways, bc im realizing how different they are for Me
im gonna start organizing this soon, or restructure my site to accomadate this all.
redid home page with new css x_X now i need to do everything else....expect it to take time lol
ok the sites back live now, some stuff still needs to be linked,edited and uploaded but yeh