...are you telling me the the length of the comment is only limited client-side? oof
And that's why you don't make the maxlength a variable that's super easy to edit by doing inspect element. RIP
Oh dang you're right, I'll fix that. I'm definitely planning on translating more, I just haven't quite gotten around to it yet.
lEs PaUl iS tHe gReAtEsT gUiTaR oF aLl tImE h0wD4rE UWU insult such byooty, patettic
the reply input field doesn't say be nice so i will. Thank you and I completely agree!! :D
thanks, i'll have to beat kyle drake again to get to third, he's like a main villian that keeps recurring!
I hope they played Dancing Queen! https://youtu.be/-Qx12pLiptA
...it's worse than I remember...
They probably won't upload it to the official youtube channel since it's a local cover but they did a pretty ok job with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc1u-LDFXQQ
William Shatner's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was 26,017 times better than that version of Dancing Queen.