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Hey Tavi! First of all- love your choice of jelly- Jelly Parsley is soooo in right now! You've been added to the Jellyring script, the Giant Jelly pool and the Pals page!!
weirdfeelings 3 years ago

thank you so much :'-) I love it!!!!!!

Hey there Claire! Remember that consuming glowing jelly may give you or your Neopet temporary blindness.... Either way, you've been added to the Jellyring script, the Giant Jelly pool AND the Pals page! Welcome aboard and love your cozy cat cafe!
w3lchia 3 years ago

Aaa thank you so much! <3

Hey Spacekitten! I know you wanted your very own squooshed jelly... so hopefully you like the one I've picked out for you! Check it out and let me know! Anyways, I've added you to the Jellyring script, the Giant Jelly pool and the Pals page starting right MEOW!
spacekitten 3 years ago

thank you so much!! omg!!

Baby, I'm proud to announce that you have officially bonded with Peach jelly! You've been added to the Jellyring script, the Giant Jelly pool and the Pals page! Cute site by the way!!
im-baby 3 years ago

Im honored!!!! <3

I saw a comment about the halloween game being made in Twine, and as a Twine lover myself I decided to check the source and uh, yes, I was wondering why there's a gigantic 15k characters base64-encoded font right in the middle of the file! So I just wanted to mention that you actually can use downloaded fonts in a Twine game that are housed outside of the main html file. Same goes for images.
I'm working through getting people's Jellies bonded and added! Thank you for your support! I hope to have them all done tomorrow.
spotofmummery 3 years ago

Thank you for all your hard work!

Oh dangit I forgot you had your own special glowing jelly. I'm sorry haha, you can definitely keep your jelly. Oh geesh haha.
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romanticism 3 years ago

Ahah, no worries, I imagine it gets a bit overwhelming to maintain a webring at times!

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can you give me a tutorial how to make a story?
Hey Bruno- somebody already requested glowing jelly. Is there another jelly you'd prefer? Sorry I'm a bit behind on updating the jellies because I was working on the Halloween game.
jellyworld 3 years ago

If you'd like I can add any of these for you:[]=43

weirdfeelings 3 years ago

@jellyworld hi :) can I request a jelly from that list too? Obviously after cicadoidea, since they came first. If I can't it's ok!!! Thank u x

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romanticism 3 years ago

Ah, I used to be saturday, I thought I mentioned that, maybe I didn't! Also, no worries, the Halloween game is super cool!

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jellyworld 3 years ago

@weirdfeelings Of course! I can, just fill out the create a custom jelly and bond with it form with the one you want.

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jellyworld 3 years ago

@cicadoidea Yeah! I know you've changed a few times and that's no trouble at all! Just had a backlog of people's request and somebody already has that jelly. Let me know if you have another jelly you would like and sorry for the trouble.

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romanticism 3 years ago

Oh, I see! No worries, it's not a big issue at all, I'll submit another jelly ASAP :D

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weirdfeelings 3 years ago

@jellyworld thank you so much!! :^)

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CreatedJul 17, 2021
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