
562 updates
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oh oh oh!!! now THIS is exciting! i've designed my own writing system based on the IPA -- very, very different to yours. mine is circular, whereas yours reminds of romaji, especially the kawaii version. thank you SO much for sharing the manual!
your media collection is EVERYTHING! especially the music -- i love how truly diverse it is. have you ever read iain m. banks' non-SF works? you might enjoy them. rip rick mayall. never got to watch the young ones, but drop dead fred changed my life. how many times have i watched it? i will never know.
korova 2 years ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3 i'm not familiar with his works, i'll have to check them out! if you enjoy drop dead fred, i would definitely recommend the young ones and bottom; they're absolutely iconic. i met an artist at a con named drew blank, and he has a bunch of merch related to rik mayall that's definitely worth checking out. i love your website, the design is so colorful and original! thanks again for your comment!

gnostic mythos? alchemy? death positivity? i'll just take a seat right here. [curious as to whether you mean -personal- mythos, cos i'm struggling with whether to let mine free in the wild.]
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Thank you for your kind words. I still have the feeling that I don't know what I'm doing. My website is "minimal" because so are my coding skills! Anyway, I like your website too. Keep up the good work.
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vibing with what you've got her already -- can't wait to see how it grows [hail Hekate]
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 29, 2022
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