505 updates
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i forking hate my classmates they only think about love and being edgy and the thing is how the average 14 year old in my country bases his personality on it like get an original personality boring asses
thanks for the follow! funny how you also found my other joke site (Flat Earth News) somehow. excited to see what you'll make of yours! :)
junothesilly1 2 years ago

that was yours?! wow!

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all updates will go to the updates section from now on!
oh and i'm reading about the history of houses and it is a really fun topic i suggest checking it out :)
searching for graphics! i'm having soo much fun going around different websites :D
dry cereal>>>>
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1/09/2022 new pages i have to work on
30/09/2022 new page
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i've have never been an active user on a site, this is probably my first time. usually i would interact on the internet only when playing online games, but on social media zero, i was only a passive viewer of content. but now i truly feel like i'm doing something and everyone else can see it! NEOCITIES IS SUPER COOL!! :D
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedAug 16, 2022
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italy simple unactive personal silly