i might change it a littlem ore in the future LOWK WAS AN IMPULSE CHANGE but...!!! im glad sealparty is goneSORRY SEALPARTY I LOVED YOU
also i like that if you switched the f and k i would become cakefuma. which ispretty cool since i go by cake
iwabt sealparty back OU HOO HOO Maybe ishudlve waited until i finished my layot.Ok watever
my marquee container is in the right area but the marquee?????????isnt in it???????
ikind of want my site to have. a menu/food theme so something with that>? ill decide later
omg ihad great idea for like the cafe theme a little ribbon underthe banner with grand opening! 1st anniv! things like that
ok ill add mayb a few more things 2 da layout n start customizng...........Yahoo! finaly!
peeping at your code and u defined all the border radius for each div,, just border-radius 18 will work ππ but also I FW THIS SOOO HEAVY i cannot wait to see it done im already in love