KangWorlds, by bonkmaykr

1,293 updates
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Updates still delayed. I've got a WipEout tournament coming up plus I'm still working on Tourbot. It will probably be April/May before anything gets done
Update delays due to IRL stuff, sorry. Hang in there
New tutorial in a series for fresh users is up. I wouldn't send it to anyone yet as I haven't finished everything just yet. Oh, also, the back button on tutorial pages is now always visible.
kangworlds 1 year ago

P.S. this isn't the "big surprise" i had planned this was just a thing I had been wanting to do for a while to make KangWorlds more useful. the big thing comes later

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Moved the big FAQ thing to about.html. New news posted.
🦘🌎.ws may go down occasionally in the future as I work around GoDaddy's stubborn registrar. They seem to be refusing to allow forwarding with only a vague error message and no support team to get in touch with. I've had to resort to creating another page for the sole purpose of redirecting to the right URL. Apologies for any weird issues
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 16, 2022
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videogames modelling worlds retro mmo