REMINDER: We are having our weekly Grid Meeting TODAY at the Beta Hyperport Welcome Region at 4 PM PDT. This is a public event, no account is required, all are welcome to attend. We will be discussing grid issues, present and future development of the Metaverse, and more. Come on in, and chat with us!!!
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UPDATE 20240817::: We have added several new regions on the Alpha Grid Mainland! Alpha Grid logins are currently restricted to Administrators, but anybody can still visit the Beta Hyperport. Alpha Grid Mainland will be opening to new Residents in Early September. Stay tuned for more updates; we will post them here as they become available.
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Update 20240815::: Viewer rebuild in progress. Rebuild is expected to be complete by 8PM PDT tonight. No performance degradation are expected at this time.
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We are planning on migrating the Welcome Center to a dedicated Region and replacing the index with a more secure and suitable landing point for Residents, Guests and Visitors. Migration is expected to be fulfilled by End of Week
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We are developing a new Learning Island for new Residents. Learning Island will orient new Residents and provide custom onboarding assets and self-paced training and experiences. Learning Island will be replacing the Welcome Center as the first stop. We are expecting Learning Island to be completed and deployed by Saturday.
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The telepads at Welcome should now work properly. We apologize for any inconvenience :D