Littlebird Metaverse

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We will be hosting our weekly grid meeting on the second floor of the Littlebird Metaverse Welcome Center( The meeting will start on Sunday, August 11, 2024 at 4:00 PM Grid Time(PDT) and will run roughly an hour. Tester1 Littlebird will be hosting this weeks meeting.
UPDATE 20240809::: Littlebird Maintenance Team will be in-world today to investigate several issue reported over the last week. we are looking for content creators, so if you are reading this post and are interested in volunteering, reply to the message. we know it's a new platform and documentation is still scarce, but we do provide in-world training, both here and via the opensimulator project. Let me know here :D
Some of our players are reporting performace hits in the welcome center region. We're looking into the issue
update 20240807::: Players now rez in at their last stored region, position, and rotation. Improved atmospheric and ambient lighting rendering. Added 40 new premiere skies!
update 20240807::: portals in the welcome center are now functional. We are aware that navigation to locations outside of the grid are breaking the physics and UI, and we have scheduled some maintenance activities this week to investigate these issues. Residents are advised to refresh the viewer page if things get weird.
you are making the doors links like i always dreamed of, this is beautiful
geouniversal 4 months ago

i can't get any of the links to work but the doors look great :)!

littlebirdmetaverse 4 months ago

thanks for following :) sorry about the portals :( they should all work now, just know that they break physics, and so, if thing get wierd in a region, just refresh page :D also, most of the locations are created by others and are offsite, and so user interface will likely break as well. I'll be fixing it very soon. have an awesome day and thanks again for visiting the metaverse :)

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thanks for follow :D
1 like
thanks for visiting and thx for follow. stay well :)
Update @20240806::: added new game currency play money for testing. touch the spinning cube in the welcome center to get funds :D
Update @20240806::: New content added to the Welcome Center. 15 new skies were added to the world maker. Improved region audio support. Added new discord invite board. New lighting features added to the Welcome Center. Retexturing of the Welcome Center continues. Maintenance activities are completed without issue :D

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Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedAug 3, 2023
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