The Howling House

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Hey of course you can "borrow" my idea, it doesn't really belong to me hehe :) it makes me well happy to see people put in the effort to make these little directories, as I think they're one of the best ways of encouraging discoveries of new sites. Love what you're doing btw. Have you read The Corrections? I'm reading it now, some of it is set in Lithuania but I think it might not be a very accurate depiction.
pikemalarkey 4 years ago

Cheers! Perhaps it doesn't, but I figured courtesy doesn't cost anything :) I will work the link page into my next site update. I haven't read The Corrections. It seems to have picked up some awards, but do you recommend it based on what you've read so far?

unimaginable-heights 4 years ago

Yeah I'm really enjoying it actually! If you can see past the Lithuania stuff. It's not the only thing in the book that seems wildly unrealistic though, it's a kind of interesting blend of hyper-realism and almost-surrealism. And even though it's written in the third person there seems to be an element of "unreliable narrator".

unimaginable-heights 4 years ago

I think it's partly to show that we can never know what other people are going through and how the world looks from their perspective, and so it's very hard to make moral judgements. The whole feel of the book is feverish. And also really bleak and hollow. It's good!

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pikemalarkey 4 years ago

Thanks for going into detail, sounds intriguing. I'll add it to my book list. Something I heard about making judgements recently and liked: if you are judging someone, you don't understand the totality of influences that are working on them. So the book sounds like it would be my kind of thing :)

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Oh hai, glad you're back!
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nohappynonsense 4 years ago

thanks, good to be back! hows everything goin?

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pikemalarkey 4 years ago

it's alright, swings and roundabouts. Hope you're not too bad yourself.

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CreatedMar 6, 2020
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