The Howling House

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Thank you for the follow, I have the teacup and saucer from the set that a plate in one of your photographs is from. Just in case you wondered where they went.
pandil 4 months ago

Thank you, I'm not worried about them I'm sure they're doing well. Of course it is sad not to see them for a while... I'm already using the mug my mom's friend gave her as a gift, with a photo of my mom's cat printed on it.

Thanks for the follow. Those are beautiful photographs. I know a guy who has a massive collection of old cameras but they're just collecting dust on shelves. I like your way better.
patienz 5 months ago

Thanks so much! I strongly agree! I like a museum piece but I love an old machine that still comes back to life; cameras, typewriters, cars, whatever. I like your site, btw! I browsed some of your poetry and I enjoyed "In the fallow mire" a lot.

I liked your bagel story, and the continuity in how now your wife brings in the kill. We have one bagel place, a bagel truck run by an American who bakes great bagels and always cuts me a deal.
nohappynonsense 6 months ago

That's my dad, say hi to him for me. I miss him. But the bagels are more important.

pikemalarkey 6 months ago

*crying emoji*

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nohappynonsense 8 months ago

can't we just eat candy and canned beans for every meal and call it a day?

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pikemalarkey 8 months ago

maybe not just those two but add cannelloni and I would consider it

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nohappynonsense 8 months ago

I am DONE making special considerations for you, Pike! Candy Corn and Canned Corn, mixed in a bowl, for every meal. No exceptions.

irony-machine 9 months ago

re: the uk election. over here, our libertarian shit of a president's slogan is "THERE'S NO MONEY". of course the reality is what you describe, there's plenty of money, they just want to dismantle our entire social safety net. worst thing is, they've convinced most of the population that these things are a waste of money. anyway. hope you're enjoying hitchhiker's guide at least?

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pikemalarkey 9 months ago

@irony-machine it's easy to convince people because they often take principles that apply to personal financing and transpose them to the state. It's wrong but it's intuitive. Sorry to hear things suck in your country too : ( Mixed feelings about Hitchiker's but I am having fun reading it!

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Hope hell is ok this time of year. Do come back at some point.
brennholz 9 months ago

don't worry, just reevaluating a lot of things and finally taking efforts to adress a lot of long-time issues. so it's more of a purgatory than hell, really. I will be back at some point, but there's a good chance i'll restart the page from scratch when i do. Y'all will still be hearing from me occasionally in your comment sections.

hitchhiker's guide is in my library
pikemalarkey 9 months ago

is this the most positive thing you can say about it?

mfdook 9 months ago

its a great book dude it was the first one added

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Thank you for the follow, I am looking forward to drinking at your fountain of choice films & music. It's an inspiring collection.
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CreatedMar 6, 2020
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