The Howling House

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readingproject 2 years ago

My favourite Buffy is predictable. The musical and the episode that followed it, Tabula Rasa. I call season 5 and 6 of Buffy "High Renaissance Buffy".

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i am leaving the same words here too bc why not - i ended up on "Last Words" on your site a while ago and completely forgot to comment on it - i love the flow of it and how all the little details just slot into so much vivid domestic tragedy. these lines like "pulling your abstinence by the whiskers with my glass of scotch" go down so cleanly <3
Thank you for the follow and hello! Love Exposure is an interesting choice for a favourite movie. Those were some weird four hours.
brennholz 3 years ago

Hi! :) And yeah, it's a weird and ridiculous film, but I feel that it never reaches a point where it's alienating or lessers the impact of the more emotional scenes. That's really why I love it: there's so much going on, it's all over the place tonally and pacing wise, but somehow, it works. Perfectly. it's monumental. It feels so full of life. idk

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brennholz 3 years ago

Though I haven't watched many movies, so I don't have much of a frame of reference lol.

pikemalarkey 3 years ago

Oh I wasn't knocking the movie. Whatever its faults, I DID watch the whole thing in one sitting which I can say about no other movie of that length. It's fun and involving, and a true original. I've filed it under 'torture porn' but I'm a bit of a gentle flower that way.

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Oh btw pike, I think I've been sending emails to an old account of yours that you don't check/have access to any longer? How can I contact
pikemalarkey 3 years ago

Er, that's weird. I've just tested both e-mail handles (agne@ and pike.malarkey@) and they seem to be working ok. That said, I sent you a story yonks ago but I never received a reply so maybe it's connected? I'll drop you a line on your two e-mails (ratmag and personal), tell me if you get them.

pikemalarkey 3 years ago

Ok, the ratmag e-mail bounced. The other one should go through?

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nohappynonsense 3 years ago

Personal went through

I have just finished the Bomb story and I really enjoyed it. My favourite bits were: 1) descriptions of the pre-Unification museums which made me think of Pamuk's Musem of Innocence in Istanbul; 2) "Telling, sometimes, is to watch someone, and to not pretend you weren’t looking when they notice."
oh hey, pike is back
pikemalarkey 3 years ago

Okay, I have just put 2 and 2 together! But...I was always here. It was you who went missing, Rat mag link went down and everything disappeared. What happened?

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

little hiccup here and there, but we're up and running

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