The Howling House

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Thank you for the follow! I feel like our sites have something in common (guess what?) & I intend to have a thorough rummage through yours.
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arkmsworld 1 year ago

I like your site. Feel free to rummage and pillage. :)

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Hi! It was so nice to receive your comment, I didn't know you were reading : D I just burnt out a bit, then dropped out of all online chatter to live a bit more IRL and recalibrate. Feel terrible about vanishing just like that but it's been good & I'll get back onto Neocities soon.
Hey there! I just had a thought that you hadn't updated in a while and I miss seeing your posts in my feed. Hope all is well!
satyrwoud 2 years ago

wtfrick you cant call him that

nohappynonsense 2 years ago

who wants to learn how to get better at writing when fumbling around can induce so much a n x i e t y?

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pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's more about the need to complete something rather than the content though, same as with any homework. Content I either like or not, share or trash.

nohappynonsense 2 years ago

Dr. Greger demands his daily dozen, or ye shall perish

pikemalarkey 2 years ago

To me he's just Dr Greg

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brennholz 2 years ago

That gazelle book is awesome! The illustrations are totally adorable, kudos to your mom. Interesting to know that these are loosely based on reality, cause it's pretty easy to see with some, but others... like, the watercress shipment thing- are you a nautical terrorist??? lol

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pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the kind words! I think the shipment thing was just imagination running loose : D

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I liked Morning Shower a lot. 'teeth stuck in meat/mouths stuck as smiles' reminds me of something similar I've written ('a smile is just another way to bare your teeth'), similar thinking perhaps. Grim physicality! Wilfred Owen liked it too, although in a different context.
brennholz 2 years ago

Thanks! Honestly, I had to look up who Wilfred Owen was. (Don't know shit!) Seems like grim physicality was the only way for him to poetically process the horrors of war. Meanwhile, I'm just complaining about my dreams... Anyway, I really like that line, 'a smile is just another way to bare your teeth'. I think it could be the official slogan for passive aggression lol

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pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Ah, I think Owen is just a UK thing (also reading him now so he's at the front of my mind). German poetry is beyond me, so I really appreciate having your bilingual & English poems.

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CreatedMar 6, 2020
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