
885 updates
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do you have a discord or some other place I can dm you to talk about the project?🤔
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where should i dm you ? tumblr? idk if you have discord or anything like that
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ballonlea 1 year ago

You can DM me on tumblr but I do have a Discord, bede908!

I need people to bounce ideas off of and no one on Tumblr is giving me feedback for this accessible net thing so like for real hit me up
ballonlea 1 year ago

Feel free to DM me if you wanna!

Would anyone be interested in participating in a.... webring or some kind of listing, focused on creating a for indie sites that participate in accessibility practices? like. to make the web revival accessible to disabled people. who maybe have felt excluded by the lack of accessibility on websites i.e. flashing colors with no warning, no alt text , etc. I don't know really what I'm talking about lol.
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pinkvampyr 1 year ago

okay so i have informed that directory is in fact the word i'm looking for. basically i want to compile a list of websites from people who are into making the web more accessible

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pinkvampyr 1 year ago

basically it would function to help people with disabilities navigate the indie web better, maybe categorized by type of website and what accessibility practices they use.

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ballonlea 1 year ago

I think this is a great idea!

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fri11s 1 year ago

i would love this. perhaps also on the main webring page, we could have resources that help people learn about how to make things accessible. testing tools, learning tools, WCAG guidelines etc

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PLEASE let me know if you add my button to your blog I want to see and I will add yours to mine as well!!!
hello, so sorry to be a bother but it seems like i put neocities dot com instead of dot org on my form so my link is broken ahh.. so if you'd be able to fix that i'd appreciate it >< the image seems to be broken also but i don't know if that has to do with my faulty link or something else. thank you!
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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personal pink cute accessibility resources