1,661 updates
0 tips
I think i'll manually announce a blog post update here since I don't think there's any other way to recieve notifications unless you follow me on my blogspot. yeah?
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wmbu 2 years ago

you could try making an rss feed! it's basically an xml file that you manually update, and those who are subscribed to the feed will get a notification

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1 like
Holy crap, I love how your site is organized! I can tell what kind of layout you're inspired by and it's so easy and interesting to browse... It feels like a community hub. Awesome work, will be checking back.
punkray 2 years ago

wowza thank you so much!!!

Dude I freaking love the condensed, specific but indescribable dark and dank aesthetic your site has. Back a few years when I was trying to design my site, I was trying to create a darkish style somewhat similar to what you've made, but I could never pull it off. Definitely linking your site under my cool sites area :D
1 like
punkray 2 years ago

AW thank you so much!!!

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedJan 8, 2015
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