Wasp Nest

3,472 updates
1 tips
THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOW...your page is so pretty i want to stare at it forever..
1 like
punkwasp 1 year ago

AAA thank you so much!!! I mentioned this in your chatbox I believe but I super love how colorful your page is, it's very pretty! :3

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1 like
punkwasp 1 year ago

Finally uploaded my grimoire page, used arrays in PHP to shuffle the order of websites on my cool websites page and also display a random one on the homepage, and uploaded a PHP code snippet for randomizing pronouns used on a webpage!

1 like
If you saw my post yesterday about maybe having issues, it looks like it's fine now!
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punkwasp 1 year ago

Added a link to a new project I've been working on and a link to my latest blog post which is about said project!

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finel 1 year ago

Art hive studio sounds really cool! can't wait to see it!

1 like
It looks like is down right now, I thought it was just my site but checking other sites hosted by them produces the same result, their homepage is fine though. Weird. Anyways if you're having issues accessing my site that might be why!
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punkwasp 1 year ago

Looks like it's fine now! Only lasted maybe 30 minutes or so

Your website looks so cute, I love it!!!
1 like
miralyk 1 year ago

oh my gosh, thank you so much! funnily enough, i'm working on changing the layout from sadgrl's template to yours because i love the responsive and accessibility features you have; i'm always happy to discuss coding and iframe fixing as i keep (re)coding this :>!

1 like
holy fuck 100 followers?? thank you guys so much!!
Your autistic adulthood blog post just made me connect the dots on my own childhood speech therapy. It was "s" and "th" for me!
punkwasp 1 year ago

I think I might've struggled with those too, but I'm not sure! It's neat to hear that other people have had similar experiences though haha

1 like
punkwasp 1 year ago

Fixed up my commissions TOS so it's much shorter to read (I was using a template someone else provided before haha) and updated my goal progress!

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 17, 2023
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art furry personal disabled lgbt