RVF: (Masaki) Kobayashi; D-E_D: Elder Millennial (yickkkkk); Omnium-gatherum: dumbest #NewTitle yet; pd: elogy/encomium/eulogium/eulogy/panegyric/panegyry/tribute (elogy/epitaph/eulogium/eulogy) (x2), encomium, medley/pastiche, page/paginate, pagination/paging, pagination, palimpsest, pastiche (parody/spoof, burlesque/travesty)
D-E_D: beefcake, stud, studmuffin, stud muffin, gyatt, gyatt dayum, ignant, I'mma, imma, I'ma, i'ma, Ima, ima, Ima', I'm a, I'm a', i'm a', I'm'a, i'm'a, I'm-a, lowkey, merc, phat, rizz (x2), whermst, YOLO, zaza
Thanks to eastathenaeum and lotus-cube for suggesting many of the abovelisted terms. I've been listening to New Jack since I was a teenager, so I have no idea why dumb "phat" wasn't itemized a decade ago when this was first compiled!
RAC: high-resolution scans and renders uploaded and linked for Pan sonic, Ryoji Ikeda, Martha Argerich, Geinoh Yamashirogumi; Workplace: strips for 2024.8.30-2024.9.27 archived; links: buttons of East Athenaeum, OMNI IS AWAKE interposed
Thanks. I didn't really do anything there. I'm a fan of your douche-English dictionary. Where may I drop suggestions?
Merc'd (as in killed, knocked out, displaced, disappeared), Normie, Bruv, B-Tech, Whermst, BASED, YOLO, Stud, Cunt, ZaZa is for weed I believe, also
Omnium-gatherum: still more #NewTitles; RAC: Mitsuko Uchida; RVF: 13 Assassins.mp4; pd: paean/pean
CFS-2019: "Creepy"
he is creepy!! :O <33333333333333333