]=:< "lol: Allen now has his own page;" Omnium-gatherum: yet more #NewTitles; RVF: Hopscotch.mp4; pd: metric(al), metrician/metrifier/metrist (lyricist, poet [OR] poetess/versemonger/versesmith/versifier, poetaster [OR] poetastress/rhymester, sonneteer/sonneter/sonnetist) (x2), minuet, monody
links: purged a few buttons and oodles of links, added EGUCHI in ASIA, OMOKENASHI insult cafe, Oxipng
pd: cast/players, company/ensemble (troupe), literally/literatim, lilt, lilting, literati, longueur, consort/ensemble (broken consort, choir, consort/whole consort, skirl), literati
pd: leaf (flyleaf, folio, insert/inset, interleaf, page); RVF: The Boy and the Heron.*, Death on the Nile.mp4, Lone Wolf and Cub - S01E06.mp4; Omnium-gatherum: more #NewTitles
Preparation underway: update #7337//2 -- advise on moderation of representative conflux and involute, catalogic recursion. Over.
RVF: McCabe and Mrs. Miller.mp4, Columbo - S10 - E3 - Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star.mp4, Zegen.mkv
pd: enlarge/escalate/grow/heighten/increase/intensen/intensify/strengthen/swell (wax), interlard/intersperse/sprinkle (farce, pepper) (x2), interleave
RVF: Crystal Force.mp4, First Born.mp4, God Told Me To.mp4, The Real Thing.mp4
CFS-2019: "Silicon Cowboys;" YIMBYs added to peeves; FVG: new screenshot for "Ruliano"
those are some fine and cosy computer boys! (but none so much as YOU ^33^) ^UU^