
767 updates
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love your site! your colors are so soft and cozy. :) adding your button!
rini 2 years ago

Thanks so much! I am humbled. Ditto to you, I enjoyed the art gallery the most. I've added your button too.

1 like
xandra 2 years ago

you are so sweet, thank you! <3

1 like
rini 2 years ago

Have been slowly working on this update since February, glad it's finally live. It's my first time doing light text on dark. There are new pages and small improvements to all existing pages. I'm very grateful for the luxury to do this.

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rini 3 years ago

Renamed some image files - something I overlooked. And added a quote on the main page. Happy new year to anyone reading this.

1 like
I like your writing, and I really liked the organised disarray? of the microblog. Your drawings are also really cool. I added your button to my page and hope you don't mind. I'm lucky to live in an area that wasn't majorly affected by the recent downpour. Wishing you better years ahead - hello from a fellow Malaysian.
murid 3 years ago

Thanks for the compliments and the link. Just finished cleaning up a relatives house and might be doing a bit of volunteering over the weekend.

murid 3 years ago

This feels strangely nostalgic. In the past it was really rare to meet someone from your own country on the Anglosphere dominated internet.

rini 3 years ago

Sama-sama. It really sucks that the effects of the flooding continue on long after the rain has stopped. And, I get what you mean. I didn't actively seek out other Msians, but the only other one I came across on Neocities was a student's page for their assignment, with their course name, matric number and everything. I was pretty happy to find your site.

1 like
rini 3 years ago

Also this is none of my business, but I wish you wouldn’t imply that it’s embarrassing for you to have a blog today! If anything, I wish more people would do it. And more power to you for having coded your own blog.

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Hey Mister Dizzy, just dropping by to say hi. Wishing you happy holidays and many good years ahead.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedNov 20, 2020
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