My first piece of writing on a while...that's about why I publish on my website. Indulge me while I self-indulge.
LOVE your rededication to writing for your own sake, to exercise your identity and freedom! thank you so much for sharing. thoughtful + personal essays are my favourite to read. i 100% agree with everything, of course -- i love the democratisation of "publication" (online) + platforms, so happy to see you using it to share your writing.
"a part of life not being created within me" really nails it, thank you. you touch on a lot of stuff I kinda know but haven't seen spelled out as lucidly re un/self/publishing and I think that's so valuable
also as a final year phd student trying desperately to switch fields as soon as I'm done....
An audio collection of some of my poems went live yesterday. I've linked it to the invididual poems so you can hear them being read by me.
I realized that I had been maintaining a separate changelog for my Steven Universe Future site...and never actually linked to it anywhere on the site! XD You can now find it on the About page.
Two more Steven Universe Future episodes. I'm 35% of the way through with them now. I was hoping that number would make me feel better.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate the compliment. Unfortunately, I don't have a button. I don't even know how to make one?? I was a denizen of the old web, but never made it that far. I may make one if I figure it out, though.
oohhh strong relate re the appeal of embroidery samplers: haven't made one myself yet, but yes petting the stitches is so good