Sanguinaria Canadensis

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chapelofthebeast 2 years ago

Bats are cool: a place I used to work at had a MASSIVE colony living in one of the building's structures, and would form huge bat "tornadoes" every fall. The building's owners also made it a point to protect that colony for environmental and pest control reasons as well, which was cool.

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sanguinariacanadensis 2 years ago

(ok I can't reply directly) that must be sooo cool to witness! Very decent of the building's owners to respect the bats too; i wouldn't expect that from a landlord lol

love your site!! is there a way to read your zines online?
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sanguinariacanadensis 2 years ago

Omg!! Thank u!! Not yet lol, I haven't got them converted to PDFs yet. Tbqh I might not get crackin on the zines until the fall - got a lot of longboarding and moving across the country to do this summer. Genuinely so flattered that u asked tho

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in love with ur desk/ bookshelf space!! looking forward to the stuff u add to it :)
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syout 2 years ago

Thank you!! I also love how your site is mapped out like a little house, might or might not borrow some inspiration for the "garden of the beast" side of the site πŸ‘€

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syout 2 years ago


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