Hey new blog entry. It's late so if there's any bad takes in there that's why but basically i complain about youtube 'experts' telling newer youtubers to make their videos all sanitised and easy to watch so they can grow their channel and not make 'bad videos'. I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts on it! Anyway I'm going to bed now, goodnight ( ̄ω ̄;)
Reintroduced my button wall!!! I went through every site I'm following to add their button. I couldn't find about a third of people buttons, either because they didnt have one or because I simply couldn't find it ;-;
..once? idk taking down what i have on the site now feels like such a waste but i dont like that's its just going to be left sitting there for who knows how long while i work on the new layout (if you can even call it that, all my layouts follow the same basic shapes T-T). i also think some of it has to do with my fear that in a few months time ill get bored of this new layout and have to redo the entire site over...
..AGAIN. oh my! at this point i shouldve just made a blog post but its too late now. idk im confused and frustrated, pls send your thoughts, and i hope you're all doing well ToT