Welcome to scftst4rs! ★

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So instead of working on my site, today I've recorded a basic html/css tutorial for my youtube channel. The recording is an hour and a half long so I have a lot of editing to do but hopefully it gets done and is helpful to some people :3 (obviously you reading this probably isnt the target audience for a basic html tut, but idk, interesting website related update I guess??)
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I have an updated latout for the blog pages!! Thinking I might not re-do each entry since I just dont feel like what I say in them is important anymore?? (not that it would be hard to update them, theres only like 3 entrys) I'm considering maybe just 'officailly' uploading what I have so far and filling in the blanks as I go?? It just means some pages will be down for a bit :P
scftst4rs 1 year ago

Wait, I forget, I still need to make an email. Whoops. Or I at least remember to take the 'link' to it out before I upload the site >w<

site remake is finally really getting somewhere! I've only made the index, updates and a before you interact page, but hopefully the site will be fully up soon!
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stressing over changing my url because im so indecisive when it comes to naming thingsss :/
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Hey so I don't exactly know how to word this but do you guys like using your email to just chat to people, or like receiving little messages from people? Or do you have a standard for why people should send you an email? Like what reasons do you want/not want ppl to email you, or when do you prefer they contact you in a different way? Idk I just wanna hear ppls thoughts and experiences with email etiquette I guess??
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scftst4rs 1 year ago

Idk if this just sounds like a really stupid thing to ask, but I'm really curious and idk where else would be a better place to ask (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

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goooby 1 year ago

i like to get small msgs in my email i think its great!

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someone took the email name (or whatever you call it???) I wanted and now I need to come up with new name ideas (。T ω T。)
Oh RIP, I forgot neocities shows everytime youy update your site. Oh well I guess I'll take advantage of this and say if you want updates on how the site remake is going, I'll occasionally publish it to my site which youll see in my feed. Maybe I'll add a link on my site to it somewhere aswell?? We'll see. Anyway, how's everyone been recently? I hope you're doing well! :3
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJun 2, 2022
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personal blog cosy cute