your eyes may wander...

1,676 updates
0 tips
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Thinking of scrapping the portfolio thing. Too much work to upload everything guhh
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most of my code was haphazardly bullshitted by hand but understandable lmfao
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sweetsam 1 year ago

there's a reason I had to rewrite my site from scratch and theres a reason I might have to rewrite it a second time

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wanting to find more neocities friends is so hard because a lot of people would rather die than try to figure out how to properly format a webpage
rosegolddoodle 1 year ago

or finding a template ksajfdk I can read an html page and kinda get whats going on but I would currently combust before I'd be able to make smth from scratch

Todo list, [art page 30% complete] , [extended home page (not started)]
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internet outages making it impossible to update my site, have resorted to code editing on my phone (in agony) (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
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Struggling to figure out navtabs
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sweetsam 1 year ago

what exactly do you need and how are you trying to do it? hopefully i can help

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedAug 19, 2022
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art personal blog lgbt