Chaotic Threshold

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Three different people on my neo dash are redoing their layouts entirely. Hypothesis: equinox was last week. This is spring cleaning.
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kissingonclouds 1 day ago

giggles,,,, it sho is spring cleaning,,,,

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shadowfae 1 day ago

Hehehehe, I was right. I'm still trapped in "doing nothing but work and RS3" hell but I do have a few things in the works! I am redoing my front page btw. For funsies.

"skyrose folks, why haven't you done website work in two months" we've been playing runescape. when we're done that we'll do more website work
oh, this is just gorgeous!! :O
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inkcaps 1 week ago

OHHHH thank you so much for your words and for visiting, please come back whenever you wish!! ;u;

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today's site recode liveblog is the following sentence: why are the tiny little id buttons so addicting and why do we need two hundred of them
kissingonclouds 2 months ago


it took me three fucking hours to put that music player together. if the lot of you don't appreciate it I will appear on global news.
I won't be uploading them until the recode is DONE but that's FINE because the NEW ABOUT LAYOUTS ARE DONE BLOODY STRIFE
shadowfae 2 months ago

also thanks for 151k views wrow!!!

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shadowfae 2 months ago

comment widget added. quotes updated. you can't see the rest of the update because I'm working on some local test files atm trying to figure out how i want to do the recode

shadowfae 2 months ago

well mostly trying to figure out how to do it w/o it being sloppy? since I'd have to reupload every page repeatedly while making changes it's not terribly efficient. eugh. will shower and think on it and do Not Fucking Coding for the rest of the night because I've been at it for eight hours straight

I think the worst part of site recodes is that I'm looking at all of this stuff and going 'if I want to rename any folders I'm going to have to fix the navigation in every file ever' and that sounds like hell.
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shadowfae 2 months ago

honestly it might not even be that bad. I'm running bootstrap 4.5 and I just discovered they already have breadcrumbs as a thing. I was doing them manually. this is hell

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedApr 24, 2021
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