Chaotic Threshold

7,724 updates
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oh! I just noticed but you're still using our old button - you can switch to one of the new ones if you'd like! shadowfae . neocities . org/p/dir/home?link=/p/rs/a/buttons
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nimravidae 3 months ago

oo can do!! thanks for letting me know :] so many pretty options!!!

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still not dead + coming up on our 10th anniversary in the otherkin community next weekend (wtf, we know), working on the refactor still. don't worry about it!!
shadowfae 4 months ago

also feel free to add our buttons to your sites, we have some new followers and yes, we'll be adding buttons of friends and mutuals and stuff during the refactor!

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shadowfae 6 months ago

FINALLY AFTER MANY MONTHS I HAVE REMADE OUR SITE BUTTONS. Now I have to... tell everyone... that links to me... to update their buttons... :'D

I keep saying "this weekend I'll work on my neocities" and then not doing it, like a liar, but here's hoping tomorrow I can actually start doing some major progress... If nothing gets done this weekend please feel free to mock me.
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shadowfae 6 months ago

I have literally so much to do. So much. I have to refactor half the site and design a ton more pages, most of which I have sketched out, and yet I keep not doing it. If it does not get done please mock me, I will deserve it.

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shadowfae 7 months ago

New journal entry. Apologies for the inactivity, it's been hell. Hoping to get some work done over the May long.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedApr 24, 2021
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