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I really like your site. I know you must put a lot of work into it, but if I could add a suggestion, it would be helpful if you could add sections on mitigation of risks for more of the software. Thanks!
spyware 6 years ago

Hopefully I can do this in the coming weeks... the articles can awalys be better, you're right.

Aye, do you mind if I can make the YouTube article? I will give it to you tomorrow.
spyware 6 years ago

I would appreciate that very much. Thanks a lot for the help!

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elementz 6 years ago

M'kay. I will just make some notes if thats alright with you and you can just put it in a paragraph.

spyware 6 years ago

Yeah that is fine. Just write somewhere on it that it's lisecneced as CC0 ( since I am trying to keep the entire site CC0 liscenced.

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Pretty German Shepherd. I suggest an articles on RealPlayer, &'s various services (excite, MyWay,etc.)
spyware 6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions. I added those to the suggested articles list, so eventually those articles should be made.

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Yo, can you review YouTube? Since it is a product of Google, I would suppose it tracks what you watch and listen. Because of this, it gives you recommended videos that are relevant to your interests.
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spyware 6 years ago

Since I have a few requests, I decided to make a list of requests and how well they are being fulfilled, here: . I will get around to reveiwing youtube, thanks for the suggestion!

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CreatedNov 23, 2017
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