You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Current update on the main site: Picrew avatars replaced, site css classes cleared up to be uniform, some sweeping grammar checks, smaller --global-margin (15% -> 7.5%) and larger --global-menu-shift (15% -> 20%) so the body centers easier, mobile css fixes, expanded Directory with more links.
Aaaaand Neo doesn't count profile posts into the RSS feed. Tough.
BuKnight website is now re-organized and proof-read much the same way as the main one.
Catscape updated with the same treatment... roughly.